Samsung Galaxy vs Ipad 2

The Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab Specs:

  • Choose 16GB or 32GB of Memory.

  • Android Honeycomb 3.1

  • Dual Core Tegra 2 processor, 1 GB RAM

  • Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n

  • 10.1" WXGA Display with 1280X800 resolution

  • 0.3" X 6.9" X 10.1", 1.2 pounds.
  • What people say

    The Pros

    People liked that you don't have to jailbreak the Galaxy to customize it your way. You can visit Flash websites, giving it a slight edge over the iPad in the web browsing department. Screen resolution had a definite advantage over the Pad at 1280X800 vs. iPad's 1024 X 768. The resolution on both front and back cameras was a plus. The Samsung product probably won't replace a decent digital camera but did better than the Pad.

    What people say

    The cons

    Battery life seemed to suffer in comparison with the iPad. Put both tablets beside each other and the Pad would probably win the beauty contest. Lack of ports seemed to be a problem for some people. Some consumers noticed a slight lag between typing and the text appearing on the screen with some apps. There were some gripes about the camera but, again, if you're looking for something that'll take pictures, you can find a good digital camera within the same price range or a little cheaper.

    Apple iPad 2

    Apple iPad 2 Specs

  • Choose 16, 32 or 64 GB of memory.

  • Choose just Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi with AT&T 3G, or Wi-Fi with Verizon 3G

  • 9.7" diagonal LED display, enabled for Multi-Touch and with IPS technology

  • 1 GHz dual-core Apple A5 custom-designed processor.

  • Front and back cameras

  • Apple iOS4, access to Apple App Store

  • 7.3" X 9.5" X 0.3", 1.3 pounds
  • What people say

    The pros

    Blows Samsung out of the water when it comes to the number of available apps, though Samsung fans hope that will change. Apple added multitasking support when it realized that this was one of the major reasons that people were jailbreaking their iPads. Gets a good 11 hours of battery life with normal use. As far as reading is concerned, the iPad probably won't replace your Kindle if you're a serious reader, but did pretty good if you like to comparison shop for your e-books.

    What people say

    The cons

    Support for common ports is still non-existent or requires an adapter. Still no Flash support. Camera won't compete with a good digital camera. If you're buying this for the geek in your family, keep in mind that he may jailbreak it to get at features that Apple hasn't included yet.

    Which Do You Choose?

    Samsung Galaxy or iPad 2?

    Samsung Galaxy

    mbrownauthor says:

    I don't have a tablet, but I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone, so I would definitely go with the Samsung Galaxy tablet, too!

    LaraineRose says:

    I read your lens very carefully and also looked up the information Amazon had and I'll say ...

    makyol says:


    gerritschimpf says:


    jadehorseshoe says:

    Samsung Galaxy

    iPad 2

    iluvmydogs says:

    I like the Apple brand!

    Ronlove says:


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